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The fence node is used to execute code. It allows you to execute code and return the result.

Right now, only JavaScript is supported. It uses QuickJS to execute the code.

Set the id attribute to a unique identifier for referencing the result. The result will be stored under the id variable.

The next piece of code will return "Hello, world!"

\`\`\`js {% #code %} <!-- ticks are escaped here, remove the slashes in your code -->

const result = "Hello, world!";

export default result;

{% $code.result %}

<!-- It will return "Hello, world!" -->

Accessing variables

You can access runtime variables within the fence node. Runtime variables are injected into the __AIM_VARIABLES__ environment variable.

{% set #var string="Hello, world!" /%}

\`\`\`js {% #code %}

const result = aimVariables.var.string;

export default result;

{% $code.result %}


You can use async/await to execute asynchronous code.

\`\`\`js {% #code %}

const result = async (username) => await fetch(`${username}`);

export default await result("microchipgnu");

{% $code.result %}