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Functions are callable from the body of the document, inside an annotation, or within tag attributes.

Functions are comma-separated. Trailing commas are not supported in function calls.

{% functionName(arg1, arg2) %}

AIM comes out-of-the-box with six built-in functions: equals, and, or, not, default, and debug.

  • equals: Compares two values and returns true if they are equal, otherwise false.

  • default: Returns the second parameter if the first parameter is undefined

  • debug: Serializes the value as JSON and logs it to the console.


Use these logical operators to create complex conditional logic within if tags:

  • and: Returns true only when both arguments evaluate to true. For example, and($isAdmin, $hasPermission) ensures both conditions are met.
  • or: Returns true when at least one argument is true. For example, or($isLoggedIn, $isGuest) allows either condition to pass.
  • not: Inverts a boolean value - returns false for true inputs and vice versa. Useful for checking if something is absent, like not($isBlocked).

These functions can be combined for more sophisticated conditions. For example: and(not($isBlocked), or($isAdmin, $hasPermission)) checks that a user isn't blocked AND is either an admin OR has permission.

This is always shown
{% if and(not($a), or($b, $c)) %}
This is shown only if $a is falsy and either $b or $c is true.
{% /if %}


Use this function to compare two values.

{% if equals($a, $b) %}
$a and $b are equal
{% /if %}


This function is useful to set a value for a variable that might not exist.

{% if default($showPrompt, true) %}
Hey there!
{% /if %}


This function simply renders the value as a serialized JSON value in the document. This can be useful for determining what value is in a variable.

{% debug($myVar) %}